District Plan Changes

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What is a District Plan?

The Council is required to prepare the District Plan under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

The purpose of the RMA is the sustainable management of natural and physical resources while avoiding, remedying or mitigating adverse environmental effects and providing for the well-being of communities. The Plan's framework provides objectives, policies and methods to manage the use and development of natural and physical resources.

The Central Otago District Plan is a legal document that affects the day-to-day lives of everybody in the Central Otago district and provides the framework for managing the effects of development on our spaces and places.

The current Central Otago District Plan was made operative on 1 April 2008 but it is not a static document. The Council is able to initiate plan changes and receive private plan changes from members of the public. The Council is also required to review the Plan every 10 years.

All District Plan reviews and Plan Changes are publicly notified and members of the public are able to participate in the process through the lodging of submissions.

Plan Change 23

Plan Change 23 (PC23) is a private plan change request by Hartley Road Partnership to rezone the subject site, located on the north-eastern corner of the intersection of State Highway 8 and Springvale Road and bounded by the Clyde Cemetery and Clyde Town Belt. The proposal would change 5.6 hectares of land from Rural Resource Area to Industrial Resource Area and retain the balance land of the subject site as the Rural Resource Area. To learn more about this private plan change, see the Plan Change 23 project page.

Plan Change 22

Plan Change 22 (PC22) proposes a new chapter (Chapter 20) to the Central Otago District Plan. The new chapter is supported by the work of community group Naseby Vision and will apply to specific areas subject to a dark sky precinct. The provisions will initially apply to a new Dark Sky Precinct over the Naseby Township. Over time the section can be extended to apply to other mapped areas across the District.

The plan change will deliver benefits to existing and future residents and visitors and is necessary to enable applications for Dark Sky Community accreditation.

Plan Change 21

Plan Change 21 (PC21) is a Private Plan Change request by Fulton Hogan Limited to rezone a 118ha of land at Parkburn Quarry, providing for the future use of the site, post quarrying activities. The site adjoins the existing Pisa Moorings residential area and the proposal is to rehabilitate and rezone the site for urban development.

Plan Change 20

Plan Change 20 (PC20) relates to minor changes proposed to Section 11 (Heritage Precincts) of the District Plan. It aims to provide guidance to help better align the matters of discretion and information requirements for resource consents required for building in a heritage precinct. The change is based on new draft heritage guidelines developed for Council by Dr Glen Hazelton following an extensive review of the history and character of each of the five precincts - Ophir, Naseby, St Bathans, Clyde and Old Cromwell Town.

The proposed new heritage guidelines will provide more clarity for people wanting to develop in the district's heritage precincts. They will give people an advanced indication of what might be acceptable or what they should be thinking about when they are designing buildings.

Plan Change 19

Plan Change 19 (PC 19) has been driven by the direction set out in the Vincent and Cromwell Spatial Plans. The spatial plans have been prepared by Central Otago District Council to respond to demand for residential land and housing affordability concerns in the District, and to plan for the anticipated growth over the next 30 years.

Plan Change 19 proposes to make a suite of changes to the way the District’s residential areas are zoned and managed.

In implementing the direction set out in the two spatial plans, PC 19 involves rezoning new land for residential use, identifying some areas for future growth, aligning existing residential zoning with the proposed new zones, and includes new provisions for managing land use and subdivisions within the residential zones.

PC19 does not propose to alter the zoning or framework in relation to the rural, business or industrial resource areas or rural settlements zone.

What is a District Plan?

The Council is required to prepare the District Plan under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

The purpose of the RMA is the sustainable management of natural and physical resources while avoiding, remedying or mitigating adverse environmental effects and providing for the well-being of communities. The Plan's framework provides objectives, policies and methods to manage the use and development of natural and physical resources.

The Central Otago District Plan is a legal document that affects the day-to-day lives of everybody in the Central Otago district and provides the framework for managing the effects of development on our spaces and places.

The current Central Otago District Plan was made operative on 1 April 2008 but it is not a static document. The Council is able to initiate plan changes and receive private plan changes from members of the public. The Council is also required to review the Plan every 10 years.

All District Plan reviews and Plan Changes are publicly notified and members of the public are able to participate in the process through the lodging of submissions.

Plan Change 23

Plan Change 23 (PC23) is a private plan change request by Hartley Road Partnership to rezone the subject site, located on the north-eastern corner of the intersection of State Highway 8 and Springvale Road and bounded by the Clyde Cemetery and Clyde Town Belt. The proposal would change 5.6 hectares of land from Rural Resource Area to Industrial Resource Area and retain the balance land of the subject site as the Rural Resource Area. To learn more about this private plan change, see the Plan Change 23 project page.

Plan Change 22

Plan Change 22 (PC22) proposes a new chapter (Chapter 20) to the Central Otago District Plan. The new chapter is supported by the work of community group Naseby Vision and will apply to specific areas subject to a dark sky precinct. The provisions will initially apply to a new Dark Sky Precinct over the Naseby Township. Over time the section can be extended to apply to other mapped areas across the District.

The plan change will deliver benefits to existing and future residents and visitors and is necessary to enable applications for Dark Sky Community accreditation.

Plan Change 21

Plan Change 21 (PC21) is a Private Plan Change request by Fulton Hogan Limited to rezone a 118ha of land at Parkburn Quarry, providing for the future use of the site, post quarrying activities. The site adjoins the existing Pisa Moorings residential area and the proposal is to rehabilitate and rezone the site for urban development.

Plan Change 20

Plan Change 20 (PC20) relates to minor changes proposed to Section 11 (Heritage Precincts) of the District Plan. It aims to provide guidance to help better align the matters of discretion and information requirements for resource consents required for building in a heritage precinct. The change is based on new draft heritage guidelines developed for Council by Dr Glen Hazelton following an extensive review of the history and character of each of the five precincts - Ophir, Naseby, St Bathans, Clyde and Old Cromwell Town.

The proposed new heritage guidelines will provide more clarity for people wanting to develop in the district's heritage precincts. They will give people an advanced indication of what might be acceptable or what they should be thinking about when they are designing buildings.

Plan Change 19

Plan Change 19 (PC 19) has been driven by the direction set out in the Vincent and Cromwell Spatial Plans. The spatial plans have been prepared by Central Otago District Council to respond to demand for residential land and housing affordability concerns in the District, and to plan for the anticipated growth over the next 30 years.

Plan Change 19 proposes to make a suite of changes to the way the District’s residential areas are zoned and managed.

In implementing the direction set out in the two spatial plans, PC 19 involves rezoning new land for residential use, identifying some areas for future growth, aligning existing residential zoning with the proposed new zones, and includes new provisions for managing land use and subdivisions within the residential zones.

PC19 does not propose to alter the zoning or framework in relation to the rural, business or industrial resource areas or rural settlements zone.

Page last updated: 24 Jan 2025, 12:57 PM