Plan Change 23 - Clyde Industrial, Hartley Road Partnership
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To view all documents relating to Plan Change 23, please click on this link.
Plan Change 23 (PC23) is a private plan change request by Hartley Road Partnership to rezone the subject site, located on the north-eastern corner of the intersection of State Highway 8 and Springvale Road and bounded by the Clyde Cemetery and Clyde Town Belt, as follows:
- 5.6 hectares of land from Rural Resource Area to Industrial Resource Area
- Retain the balance land of the subject site as the Rural Resource Area
In addition, the request proposes that Sections 9 and 12 of the District Plan be amended as follows to include new rules that would apply only to the subject site:
- Install landscaping buffers along the boundaries of the subject site with State Highway 8, Springvale Road and the Clyde Cemetery Reserve at the time of any future subdivision of the subject site.
- Preclude vehicle access onto State Highway 8, or directly onto Springvale Road.
- Restrict development of the subject site, until specified safety changes are made to the intersection of State Highway 8 and Springvale Road.
To view all documents relating to Plan Change 23, please click on this link.
Page last updated: 24 Jan 2025, 12:54 PM