Plan Change 19 - Residential Zoning

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To view all documents relating to Plan Change 19, please click on this link.

Plan Change 19 (PC 19) has been driven by the direction set out in the Vincent and Cromwell Spatial Plans. The spatial plans have been prepared by Central Otago District Council to respond to demand for residential land and housing affordability concerns in the District, and to plan for the anticipated growth over the next 30 years.

Plan Change 19 proposes to make a suite of changes to the way the District’s residential areas are zoned and managed.

In implementing the direction set out in the two spatial plans, PC 19 involves rezoning new land for residential use, identifying some areas for future growth, aligning existing residential zoning with the proposed new zones, and includes new provisions for managing land use and subdivisions within the residential zones.

PC19 does not propose to alter the zoning or framework in relation to the rural, business or industrial resource areas or rural settlements zone.

To view all documents relating to Plan Change 19, please click click on this link.

To view all documents relating to Plan Change 19, please click on this link.

Plan Change 19 (PC 19) has been driven by the direction set out in the Vincent and Cromwell Spatial Plans. The spatial plans have been prepared by Central Otago District Council to respond to demand for residential land and housing affordability concerns in the District, and to plan for the anticipated growth over the next 30 years.

Plan Change 19 proposes to make a suite of changes to the way the District’s residential areas are zoned and managed.

In implementing the direction set out in the two spatial plans, PC 19 involves rezoning new land for residential use, identifying some areas for future growth, aligning existing residential zoning with the proposed new zones, and includes new provisions for managing land use and subdivisions within the residential zones.

PC19 does not propose to alter the zoning or framework in relation to the rural, business or industrial resource areas or rural settlements zone.

To view all documents relating to Plan Change 19, please click click on this link.

Page last updated: 20 Jan 2025, 12:00 PM