Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre
The Cromwell community is taking a bold step and looking to the future by investing in an asset that will meet the needs of the community now and into the future. The Cromwell Memorial Hall and Events Centre will be a place that respects its Memorial status while providing a modern, contemporary space for all of the community and visitors to feel welcome.
Throughout all design phases there has been lots of discussion and consultation with the external stakeholder group which is made up of representatives from the Cromwell Town and Country Club, Cromwell Museum, Cromwell Cultural Centre Trust, CromwellContinue reading
The Cromwell community is taking a bold step and looking to the future by investing in an asset that will meet the needs of the community now and into the future. The Cromwell Memorial Hall and Events Centre will be a place that respects its Memorial status while providing a modern, contemporary space for all of the community and visitors to feel welcome.
Throughout all design phases there has been lots of discussion and consultation with the external stakeholder group which is made up of representatives from the Cromwell Town and Country Club, Cromwell Museum, Cromwell Cultural Centre Trust, Cromwell RSA, Old Cromwell Inc. and Fine Thyme Theatre. There has also been regular check-ins and discussion with the Project Advisory Group.
We have been partnering with Aukaha, the consultancy company for Kāi Tahu, to confirm the key values of this work for mana whenua and to refine the cultural conceptual overlay for the design phases with Jasmax and Council.
With this stakeholder involvement and expert advice, the Jasmax consultancy team have been able to find clever and efficient design outcomes that represent the best functionality and size of the spaces within the building. The building will cater for both our community needs and commercial uses, and ensure we get the most out of the facility.
Plans for this project have progressed from concept design (broad parameters of the project are established) to developed design (final design is shaped) and then to detailed design (high level of detail is reached with contractor specifications). Even though this design work has been largely out of sight from the public, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes to reach the current stage. A clear sign that the project is progressing was the appointment by Council on 29 February 2024 of Naylor Love as the construction partner and Jasmax as the construction project manager. This project will be the most significant and ambitious capital project ever undertaken by Central Otago District Council (CODC). The old hall has had a fitting farewell and demolition has now begun. Once demolition is complete, the new facility will take about two years to complete.
Keeping you up to date
We want to keep you informed each step of the way. This page will be regularly updated with project milestones, decisions, timelines and with any opportunities for you to get involved.
How it all began
If you would like a refresher on how this exciting project came about for the community, have a look at the Cromwell Masterplan information in the project updates below. It covers:
- Cromwell Masterplan and Let's Talk Options community engagement.
- Cromwell Masterplan Spatial Framework.
- Long-term Plan 2021-2031 community consultation on how to progress the arts, culture and heritage precinct.
August 2023
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- The final stages of design (detailed design) are scheduled to be complete in August, which keep the project on track.
- Engagement has begun with potential contractors to build to build the hall, using the approved detailed design, which includes both community and commercial functionality.
- Prior to demolition of the former Cromwell Memorial Hall, a farewell ceremony will be held. Watch this space for more details on how you can share your stories and memories of the hall.
In the News
Cromwell Museum News - Cromwell Bulletin
Out with the old, in with the new, says RSA - CODC media release
July 2023
Share July 2023 on Facebook Share July 2023 on Twitter Share July 2023 on Linkedin Email July 2023 linkCromwell: A small town with a big project - CODC media release
Museum trust, RSA distance themselves from complaint - Otago Daily Times
Council gives consent to demolish Cromwell hall - CODC media release
May 2023
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March 2023
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September 2022 - New hall another step closer
Share September 2022 - New hall another step closer on Facebook Share September 2022 - New hall another step closer on Twitter Share September 2022 - New hall another step closer on Linkedin Email September 2022 - New hall another step closer linkNew hall another step closer with move to design phase (13 September)
The Cromwell community is a step closer to getting a new hall, with multiple paths open to how that journey might progress.
The Cromwell Community Board yesterday (12 September) approved the concept design for the new Cromwell Memorial Hall/Events Centre presented by consultants and approved the project to move into the design phase.
The Board noted the estimated costs of $37.89 million presented at the meeting for a turn-key building including contingencies and landscaping.
CCB Chair Anna Harrison said they Board did not want to be locked into something its community could not afford or deliver but noted there were multiple paths forward including phasing the project, seeking alternate funding through funding agencies, and scaling back the project.
The Board also approved investigation of salvage and repurpose options for material from within the existing Cromwell Memorial Hall.
The next steps are applications to funding agencies. Following outcomes of these applications there will be a report back to the Board with the proposal including the options for phasing, reducing the scale, and any request for additional funding.
The 'Cromwell Memorial Hall and Events Centre - Concept Design' document details the different spaces and the 'key moves' of the concept design. Check it out via the link or in the Key Documents section on the main page.
Cromwell Hall project concept design to be discussed (7 September)
The Cromwell Community Board will be meeting on Monday 12 September to consider a report regarding the concept design of the new Cromwell Memorial Hall/Events Centre and to proceed with funding applications.
This follows the last Board meeting in August when the design scope was presented and approved.
Funding for the Cromwell Memorial Hall/Events Centre Project was approved in the Long-term Plan 2021-31 (LTP).
The project was awarded to Jasmax in December 2021, which commenced the design investigation stage in early 2022.
June 2022 - Cromwell Memorial Hall to close
Share June 2022 - Cromwell Memorial Hall to close on Facebook Share June 2022 - Cromwell Memorial Hall to close on Twitter Share June 2022 - Cromwell Memorial Hall to close on Linkedin Email June 2022 - Cromwell Memorial Hall to close linkThe Cromwell Memorial Hall is to be closed immediately to enable assessment of the demolition requirements of the building ahead of its removal. This is a key step in the delivery of a new facility on the site as part of the Cromwell Masterplan.
At the Cromwell Community Board on Tuesday 21 June, members made a decision to close the hall, noting that the monthly running costs for the hall, including electricity and water etc, which were estimated to be about $600, and the July building warrant of fitness cost of $850, now exceeded the revenue the hall was bringing in.
A demolition date is yet to be set for the hall. The Cromwell Community Board will receive a report regarding demolition when high level costs and concept plans are available.
Tenants, who were already aware of the imminent closure, had been informed and had already found alternative accommodation for their activities, Central Otago District Council Project Manager – Property Darren Penketh said. This had contributed to the decline in revenue.
Cromwell Community Hall will close to allow the Council team to get on with the next phase in the complex's redevelopment.
May 2022 - Project update
Share May 2022 - Project update on Facebook Share May 2022 - Project update on Twitter Share May 2022 - Project update on Linkedin Email May 2022 - Project update linkAt its 29 March meeting the Cromwell Community Board was presented with a report to consider closing the current Cromwell Memorial Hall and the project delivery process for the Cromwell Memorial Hall/Events Centre project.
After discussion, the Board agreed to put the item on hold until it had a better understanding of what they would be delivering for the community.
Cromwell Community Board Chair and Project Advisory Group member Anna Harrison said on the Board’s Facebook page that the board is “fully behind the building of a new hall/events centre but would like to see some concept plans and initial costings before the existing hall is closed and demolished”.
“The intention is not to slow things down. The Board wants to ensure the concept designs tick those boxes of what the community has said it wants and needs from the new hall before we proceed to demolition.”
While the Board put those decisions on hold, work has been progressing behind the scenes on the investigation phase of the project. Investigations got underway with workshops and meetings in with stakeholders in January and mid-February. These focused on the project vision, objectives, sustainability, resilience, the site, benchmarking, functional and operational requirements for the build.
Project Manager Darren Penketh said other key pieces of work that have been completed that will inform the design included geotechnical and asbestos reports and input from theatre specialists.
A visual timeline for the project has also been created to illustrate the stages of the project. It indicates the key milestones along the way where the community can expect to hear from Council with updates. The next step in the process is the delivery of concept design plans, expected in August.
February 2022 - Investigation phase under way
Share February 2022 - Investigation phase under way on Facebook Share February 2022 - Investigation phase under way on Twitter Share February 2022 - Investigation phase under way on Linkedin Email February 2022 - Investigation phase under way linkThe investigation phase of the Cromwell Memorial Hall/Events Centre project is well underway, with a number of workshops and meetings held with stakeholders in late January.
The Project Advisory Group – comprising Cromwell Community Board Chair Anna Harrison and Cromwell Councillor and board member Nigel McKinlay, Executive Manager – Planning and Environment Louise van der Voort and Property and Facilities Manager Garreth Robinson – and project team members met with the architect and design practitioners led by Jasmax on 25 January for a full-day workshop covering the project’s vision, objectives, sustainability and resilience.
On either side of the workshop day Jasmax held its first round of meetings with representatives from the Cromwell RSA, Cromwell Museum and Old Cromwell and the Cromwell Town & Country Club. Meetings with representatives from the Cromwell Cultural Centre Trust and the Fine Thyme Theatre Company are happening this week.
Cromwell Masterplan Project Manager Darren Penketh said a lot of interesting discussions have taken place during the sessions and he was excited to see what Jasmax return with after the next round of workshops later this month.
The next round of workshops will focus on site constraints and opportunities; benchmarking and building accommodation requirements; and the technical, functional and operational requirements.
2021 - Project updates
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The External Stakeholders Group met for the first time on 3 December 2021.
Due to Jess Sutherland's involvement in the project as Jasmax's local architect partner, she has been replaced on the group by James Dicey to represent the Cromwell Cultural Centre Trust. James was unable to make Friday's meeting. The four other members of the group are pictured below.
Members from left: Jennifer Hay (Cromwell Museum), Mark O’Connor (Cromwell Town and Country Club), Katie Lindsay (Fine Thyme Theatre Company) and Denis Ryan (Cromwell RSA).
Design contract awarded for Cromwell hall/events centre project.
External Stakeholder Group members confirmed.
CEO delegation for awarding design tender.
CODC advertising for architectural services for Cromwell Hall project.
Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework
Share Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework on Facebook Share Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework on Twitter Share Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework on Linkedin Email Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework link2018 - Cromwell Masterplan engagement
The engagement document 'Let's Talk Options' summarised the Masterplan options that were developed by the Masterplan Team with three key work streams: managing growth, improving the town centre and civic facilities, and resolving the future of the Memorial Hall and Heritage Precinct.
The Masterplan Options Survey Analysis report summarises what the community thought of the options presented in the Let's Talk Options engagement document.
These results have formed the basis of the development of the Cromwell Memorial Hall.
2019 - Cromwell Masterplan Spatial Framework
The Cromwell Community Board adopted Stage 1 of the Cromwell 'Eye to the Future' Masterplan (the Masterplan) in May 2019.
Stage 1 is the Spatial Plan that provides a coordinated approach to growth management for Cromwell over the next 30 years.
The framework reflects the community's preferred option of growth focused within Cromwell and includes residential zones at a number of densities, increased housing options and amenity through more intensified development within the walkable distance from the town centre, design guidelines for subdivision and residential development, provisions to support greenway retention and development and increased industrial opportunities.
These initiatives will be delivered through a series of changes to the Central Otago District Plan. The community will once again have an opportunity to submit to any or all of the plan changes.
The next stages of the Masterplan are the Town Centre Precinct and the Arts and Culture Precinct, which include a number of significant capital projects. Before the Community Board can consider adopting the next stages further financial modelling of options is required to understand affordability, timing and funding options. The community will have an opportunity to have a say on funding options and how their rates will be impacted through the Long-term Plan (2021-2031) process.
2021 - Long-term Plan 2021-2031 community consultation
The Cromwell Masterplan and options for how to progress the town centre and the arts, culture and heritage precinct projects were the big-ticket items in the Long-term Plan consultation.
Sixty percent of submitters to the Long-term Plan consultation process were from the Cromwell Ward. The Cromwell Community Board had a full day listening to more than 60 submitters who wished to speak in support of their submissions. The Board was thankful for how passionate and engaged its community continues to be in the Cromwell Masterplan process. Three key things came through loud and clear through verbal and written submissions related to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Precinct projects:
- that the community wants a hall/events centre that caters for both future growth and future opportunities, and the size needs to be appropriate to achieve this goal;
- that options for construction, operation and ownership of this facility need to be explored – with a call for a trust to take it over; and
- that we need to get on with it.
This strong community voice was heard by community board members and councillors, and is reflected in the decisions. Council agreed to the recommendations from the Cromwell Community Board relating to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Precinct projects that it proceed with the preferred option for the hall/events centre and the museum as set out in the consultation document. The Board recommended Council acknowledge the size of the hall/event centre can change as necessary once further planning and detailed design work has been undertaken to understand the needs, growth and further opportunities for Cromwell and district. This work will also explore options for construction, operation and ownership of the facility.
Project timeline
Contract awarded - 2021
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageJasmax awarded the design contract for Cromwell’s new hall build.
Concept design - 2022
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageCromwell Community Board approved design scope in order to proceed to concept design. Concept design is given form and basic functionality as a concept only, taking into account the constraints and regulatory requirements for the site and project.
Preliminary design - 2023
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageThe concept is refined to provide appropriate sizes of spaces and include any refinements to the brief that may impact on the form, functionality and cost of the project.
At the end of this stage the project should be clearly defined, a preliminary estimate of cost can be established by a quantity surveyor and a resource consent may be applied for.
Developed design - 2023
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageThe approved preliminary design is further developed to provide a set of documents (drawings and outline specification) that identify and coordinate all elements of the building, including structural elements, building services and materials and finishes.
At the end of this stage an elemental estimate of cost can be established by a quantity surveyor and a resource consent (if required) may be applied for.
Detailed design - 2023
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageCromwell Community Board reviewed the design and approved detailed design
Construction contract awarded - 2024
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stageNaylor Love is confirmed as the construction partner and Jasmax as the construction project manager.
Site Establishment and Demolition - 2024
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre has finished this stage- Farewell ceremony to the old Memorial Hall (April 2024)
- Demolition of old Memorial Hall complete (May-June 2024)
- New car park complete (August 2024)
Construction phase - 2024-2026
Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre is currently at this stage- Foundation and slabs poured (2024) Concrete progress on hall, event centre | Otago Daily Times Online News (
- Wall panels and partial roof installed (2025)
- Floor and structural steel installed (2025)
- Internal work begins, including audio/visual, air conditioning, lighting, etc. (2025)
- Landscaping (2026)
- Commissioning (2026)
- Building operational (2026)
Construction complete - 2026
this is an upcoming stage for Cromwell Memorial Hall & Events Centre
Kāi Tahu partnership
Central Otago District Council is working in partnership with Kāi Tahu through their consulting company, Aukaha.
Manawhenua and the Aukaha Art and Design team draw from Kāi Tahu Cultural values and pūrakau (narratives) as valuable taoka (treasures) full of inherited cultural knowledge. This mātauraka Kāi Tahu (cultural knowledge) comes under the custodianship of manawhenua.
Aukaha are advised by their Manawhenua Working Group throughout the design process to confirm that mātauraka Kāi Tahu utilised is authentic, suitable and of the highest scholarly standard. The design process includes identity, history, values, narratives, feedback and endorsement.
As we progress through the project, supporting cultural values and concepts will be specifically identified by manawhenua to inform the design of elements within the Cromwell Memorial Hall Project.