Cromwell Masterplan and Spatial Framework

2018 - Cromwell Masterplan engagement

The engagement document 'Let's Talk Options' summarised the Masterplan options that were developed by the Masterplan Team with three key work streams: managing growth, improving the town centre and civic facilities, and resolving the future of the Memorial Hall and Heritage Precinct.

The Masterplan Options Survey Analysis report summarises what the community thought of the options presented in the Let's Talk Options engagement document.

These results have formed the basis of the development of the Cromwell Memorial Hall.

2019 - Cromwell Masterplan Spatial Framework

The Cromwell Community Board adopted Stage 1 of the Cromwell 'Eye to the Future' Masterplan (the Masterplan) in May 2019.

Stage 1 is the Spatial Plan that provides a coordinated approach to growth management for Cromwell over the next 30 years.

The framework reflects the community's preferred option of growth focused within Cromwell and includes residential zones at a number of densities, increased housing options and amenity through more intensified development within the walkable distance from the town centre, design guidelines for subdivision and residential development, provisions to support greenway retention and development and increased industrial opportunities.

These initiatives will be delivered through a series of changes to the Central Otago District Plan. The community will once again have an opportunity to submit to any or all of the plan changes.

The next stages of the Masterplan are the Town Centre Precinct and the Arts and Culture Precinct, which include a number of significant capital projects. Before the Community Board can consider adopting the next stages further financial modelling of options is required to understand affordability, timing and funding options. The community will have an opportunity to have a say on funding options and how their rates will be impacted through the Long-term Plan (2021-2031) process.

2021 - Long-term Plan 2021-2031 community consultation

The Cromwell Masterplan and options for how to progress the town centre and the arts, culture and heritage precinct projects were the big-ticket items in the Long-term Plan consultation.

Sixty percent of submitters to the Long-term Plan consultation process were from the Cromwell Ward. The Cromwell Community Board had a full day listening to more than 60 submitters who wished to speak in support of their submissions. The Board was thankful for how passionate and engaged its community continues to be in the Cromwell Masterplan process. Three key things came through loud and clear through verbal and written submissions related to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Precinct projects:

  1. that the community wants a hall/events centre that caters for both future growth and future opportunities, and the size needs to be appropriate to achieve this goal;
  2. that options for construction, operation and ownership of this facility need to be explored – with a call for a trust to take it over; and
  3. that we need to get on with it.

This strong community voice was heard by community board members and councillors, and is reflected in the decisions. Council agreed to the recommendations from the Cromwell Community Board relating to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Precinct projects that it proceed with the preferred option for the hall/events centre and the museum as set out in the consultation document. The Board recommended Council acknowledge the size of the hall/event centre can change as necessary once further planning and detailed design work has been undertaken to understand the needs, growth and further opportunities for Cromwell and district. This work will also explore options for construction, operation and ownership of the facility.

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