Why are we doing this?

    Council wants to work with the community to identify those things that are the most important to work on together to reduce waste for the Central Otago District.  

    We just changed our kerbside collection service last year, so why are we talking about waste again?

    The improved kerbside collection services introduced last year makes us a leader in this area and is in advance of government deadlines which require all councils to offer a kerbside organics collection service by 2030. 

    However, waste minimisation needs to be more than "just" recycling and Council wants a plan that we can use to help create more opportunities to reduce and reuse items before they become recycling or waste.

    How can I get involved?

    Please read the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and Statement of Proposal to find out more before Clicking here to take the survey.  Hard copies of the survey and related documents are located in all Council offices and libraries.  

    You will have an opportunity to attach any relevant documents that you would like to submit on behalf of yourself or your organisation/business. 

    The survey is open until 7 April 2024.

    Where does our rubbish go?

    What can I do to help minimise waste?

    How will we pay for any new waste initiatives?

    The Waste Management and Minimisation Plan is written to provide an outline to the Ministry for the Environment for how CODC will spend its portion of the national Waste Levy Fund. The Waste Levy Fund is paid out to each territorial authority based on the resident population.  Other grants are also available from the Ministry for the Environment, which CODC can apply for.

    Waste services are also provided using both general and targeted rates, as well as through set fees and charges (including gate fees and user charges).