One District: Central Otago
What is One District: Central Otago?
The Central Otago District Council is investigating an option of moving to a district-wide approach for funding and decision-making (districtisation). Council currently fund and manage many of our activities at a district level, such as drinking water, wastewater, stormwater (three waters), roading and waste. This project is looking to extend this district-wide approach to Council-owned property, parks, cemeteries, pools and museums. This proposal may also change the role of the Community Boards and how they interact with Council.
Why is this being proposed now?
One District: Central Otago is proposed to ensure Council continues serving all of Central Otago's communities with a united approach that prepares us for the future. At the moment Council has very few ways to fund what it has to do. CODC has to rely heavily on rates, fees and charges and debt to pay for the services it provides. This year the average rates rise was 18.3 per cent but because of the costs primarily in water supply and waste management, for many in our towns that was near to and sometimes over 30 per cent where those towns have reticulated water and wastewater and wheelie bin services. Such increases are not sustainable, which is why a different approach is being considered.
What are the options?
We're seeking community feedback on three options that are being considered:
Option1: Full districtisation of property, parks, cemeteries, pools and museums.
Option 2: Districtise property, parks, cemeteries, pools and museums, but include a rating adjustment for the Teviot Valley Ward to offset pool charges. This option was selected by Council on 25 September 2024.
Option3: Status quo, no change. Property, parks, cemeteries, pools and museums continue to be funded by ward rates.
How can I learn more?
The One District: Central Otago Consultation Document will provide a bit more information about this proposal, the potential impact on each ward and explain the three options that will be presented for feedback.
How can I get involved?
This survey is now closed. Click here to read the survey report.
Community | Date/Time | Location |
Maniototo | Thursday, 8 August 7pm-8pm | Rugby Club Rooms, Ranfurly |
Teviot Valley | Monday, 12 August 7pm-8pm | Memorial Hall, Roxburgh |
Alexandra and Surrounds | Wednesday, 14 August 7pm-8pm | Memorial Hall, Skird Street, Alexandra |
Cromwell and Surrounds | Monday, 19 August 7pm-8pm | Presbyterian Church, Cromwell |
Districtwide | Tuesday, 27 August 7pm-8pm | Teams link click here |
All submissions, including details of submitters will be made public via council agenda. Please read our privacy policy before you begin.