Why should I get involved?

    Have you heard the saying, 'If you don’t have a plan then you will end up part of someone else’s'? That is what this project is about – creating a plan for Central Otago that is designed by us – the people who live, work and holiday here. We want to hear about what is important to as many different people as possible so that we can build a dream for the future that we want.

    Why do I have to provide background information to register?

    The background information collected will help us ensure that we include a varied range of people in this important work and keep you up to date as the project develops. The information collected is confidential and will only be used for the purposes of this project.

    What's the purpose of the workshops?

    There are two different types of workshops that will be held. One for people in our community who will be invited to attend - the invitation is to ensure we hear from a wide range of people from across the district. The other is for stakeholders and community representatives.

    The purpose of the workshops is to:

    • Understand the issues and opportunities important to the community / group you represent, in a wellbeing context.
    • Obtain feedback to several ‘future scenarios’ / states of wellbeing (in terms of what these mean for your community and how they support the development of a 50-year district vision).
    • Invite your own thinking about the future you’d like to see. 

    Why are some workshops invite only?

    The 50-year vision must be relevant and meaningful for all people and places of Central Otago, now and for generations to come. To do this, we must ensure inclusivity, a range of perspectives is represented and that this work reaches across all those in the community.

    What is a wellbeing framework?

    A wellbeing framework goes beyond traditional measures of regional performance (which have typically been based on economic indicators) and includes the health and wellbeing of the natural environment, the many dimensions of social and cultural wellbeing and the functioning of the built environment, alongside measuring economic performance.

    The wellbeing framework can be used not only to measure and monitor how we are tracking today but also to shape our thinking about what we would like to achieve tomorrow – for ourselves and generations to come. 

    Why did I not get invited to attend a workshop?

    Not everyone who registers will be invited to take part in a workshop. This isn’t because we don’t want to hear from as many people as possible. It is because for this phase of the research we need to include a range of people from right across Central Otago in the discussions, and we may already have enough people from your area.