Plan Change 18 - Cromwell Industrial Extension

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The Central Otago District Plan was publicly notified on 18 July 1998 and became operative in April 2008. Early 2018 the Central Otago District Council commenced a master planning programme for Cromwell in response to growth pressures in the Cromwell basin, to help manage and provide for projected growth in the Cromwell basin through to 2050 Eye to the Future Cromwell Masterplan.

The Cromwell Spatial Plan was completed as part of the Masterplan. The focus of the Masterplan was to consider how and where to accommodate growth for the 30 years. The Spatial Plan was approved by Council in June 2019 to provide projections indicating that the population is likely to double by 2050. The Spatial Plan process involved extensive community and key stakeholder engagement, workshops, commissioning of technical reports, development of plans and business cases over a period of 18 months. Plan Change 18 is the first plan change initiated to give effect to the outcome of the Spatial Plan by re-zoning of land identified in the Spatial Plan as future Industrial land.

Plan Change 18

The proposed plan change will give effect to the outcome of the Cromwell Spatial Plan by extending the industrial area in Cromwell, zoning an additional area of 52 hectares of Council owned land on Bannockburn Road from Rural Resource Area to Industrial Resource Area.

The proposed re-zoning will also include an additional area fronting onto State Highway 6 between Cemetery Road and McNulty Road, connecting with the existing industrial land on McNulty Road. The land is located between Bannockburn Road and Cemetery Road, north of the Department of Conservation administered Schaffer Beetle Reserve and fronting onto State Highway 6 between the intersections of Cemetery Road and McNulty Road.

Hearing Schedule

Section 42A Hearings - Report on submissions and further submissions

Plan Change 18 Information




The Central Otago District Plan was publicly notified on 18 July 1998 and became operative in April 2008. Early 2018 the Central Otago District Council commenced a master planning programme for Cromwell in response to growth pressures in the Cromwell basin, to help manage and provide for projected growth in the Cromwell basin through to 2050 Eye to the Future Cromwell Masterplan.

The Cromwell Spatial Plan was completed as part of the Masterplan. The focus of the Masterplan was to consider how and where to accommodate growth for the 30 years. The Spatial Plan was approved by Council in June 2019 to provide projections indicating that the population is likely to double by 2050. The Spatial Plan process involved extensive community and key stakeholder engagement, workshops, commissioning of technical reports, development of plans and business cases over a period of 18 months. Plan Change 18 is the first plan change initiated to give effect to the outcome of the Spatial Plan by re-zoning of land identified in the Spatial Plan as future Industrial land.

Plan Change 18

The proposed plan change will give effect to the outcome of the Cromwell Spatial Plan by extending the industrial area in Cromwell, zoning an additional area of 52 hectares of Council owned land on Bannockburn Road from Rural Resource Area to Industrial Resource Area.

The proposed re-zoning will also include an additional area fronting onto State Highway 6 between Cemetery Road and McNulty Road, connecting with the existing industrial land on McNulty Road. The land is located between Bannockburn Road and Cemetery Road, north of the Department of Conservation administered Schaffer Beetle Reserve and fronting onto State Highway 6 between the intersections of Cemetery Road and McNulty Road.

Hearing Schedule

Section 42A Hearings - Report on submissions and further submissions

Plan Change 18 Information




Page last updated: 24 Jan 2024, 02:09 PM