Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy 2024

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Do you have a vision for Central Otago’s open spaces? Let Council know how these spaces should be used now and in the future!


Council is working on Central Otago District Council’s first Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy (the Strategy), which will guide how to locate, maintain, and develop Council-managed open spaces in the long term.

Council conducted an online survey in August 2022 as the first step in the consultation process. The survey asked the community how they want Council to approach the use and development of open spaces and play on Council’s

This engagement is now closed.

Do you have a vision for Central Otago’s open spaces? Let Council know how these spaces should be used now and in the future!


Council is working on Central Otago District Council’s first Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy (the Strategy), which will guide how to locate, maintain, and develop Council-managed open spaces in the long term.

Council conducted an online survey in August 2022 as the first step in the consultation process. The survey asked the community how they want Council to approach the use and development of open spaces and play on Council’s land across the district over the next 30 years. The survey also helped identify issues and opportunities affecting Council’s open spaces. A second survey was conducted in July and August 2023 to help clarify and prioritise some of the points raised in the first survey.

Based on feedback received from the two previous surveys, the draft Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy has been drafted and is ready for final review to make sure we've got it right.

What are open spaces?

  • Neighbourhood parks and reserves (close to residential areas)
  • Public gardens (flower gardens at Pioneer Park)
  • Sports fields, courts and turfs
  • Playgrounds
  • Greenways
  • Walking and cycling tracks/trails
  • Skateparks, BMX parks, bike safety parks and pump tracks
  • Cemeteries
  • Other open spaces

Council would love to hear from you!

Tell us what you think by providing feedback by 9 December. Hard copies are available at all Council Service Centres and libraries.

We take your privacy seriously. Any personal details you provide will remain confidential. We do not intend to proactively publish any verbatim comments we receive in response to this survey. The results will be collated in a summary report that will include key themes that come through in the comments.

Please note that comments received for any survey are considered official information and may be released if requested under the Local Government Official information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).

Please read our privacy policy before you begin.

Page last updated: 23 Jan 2025, 02:14 PM