Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve Management Plan

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What is this about?

The Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve is situated at the end of Lower Manorburn Road in Galloway. The reserve is approximately 76 hectares. The reserve does not currently have a Reserve Management Plan (Management Plan).

Given the increasing pressures and popularity of this reserve, the Vincent Community Board (VCB) approved developing a Reserve Management Plan. The reserve provides recreational opportunities for a wide range of different activities, including swimming, kayaking, fishing and more. Council is seeking public feedback in the future setting of policies and direction for the reserve. This process clarifies what activities are permitted in the reserve. A future process will more specifically determine what activities will be supported by Council on this reserve. Please have a look at the draft Management Plan by clicking here before providing a submission.


There is some interesting history to this reserve. In February 1958 a Gazette notice was issued declaring under the Public Works Act 1928, that Crown Land is set aside for irrigation purposes. Then in June 1958 a further Gazette notice was issued authorising the secondary use of the reserve for recreation purposes with the control and management vested in the Alexandra Domain Board, which is now the Central Otago District Council. In 1979 the reserve was declared by Gazette a recreation reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977. This Gazette notice also states the reserve's official name as being “Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve”.

How can I get involved?

Suggestions from the public about this Management Reserve will be used to help prepare the draft Management Plan, which is the first step of the consultation process. The draft Management Plan is now complete and the second step of the process is for the Management Plan to be reviewed by the community to make sure we've got it right.

To provide your suggestions and recommendations, click here or click the Submission Form button below before Monday 7 April 2025. Hard copies of the submission form are also available at the Alexandra Council office and Alexandra library.

All submissions, including details of submitters will be made public via council agenda. Please read our privacy policy before you begin.

What is this about?

The Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve is situated at the end of Lower Manorburn Road in Galloway. The reserve is approximately 76 hectares. The reserve does not currently have a Reserve Management Plan (Management Plan).

Given the increasing pressures and popularity of this reserve, the Vincent Community Board (VCB) approved developing a Reserve Management Plan. The reserve provides recreational opportunities for a wide range of different activities, including swimming, kayaking, fishing and more. Council is seeking public feedback in the future setting of policies and direction for the reserve. This process clarifies what activities are permitted in the reserve. A future process will more specifically determine what activities will be supported by Council on this reserve. Please have a look at the draft Management Plan by clicking here before providing a submission.


There is some interesting history to this reserve. In February 1958 a Gazette notice was issued declaring under the Public Works Act 1928, that Crown Land is set aside for irrigation purposes. Then in June 1958 a further Gazette notice was issued authorising the secondary use of the reserve for recreation purposes with the control and management vested in the Alexandra Domain Board, which is now the Central Otago District Council. In 1979 the reserve was declared by Gazette a recreation reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977. This Gazette notice also states the reserve's official name as being “Manorburn Dam Recreation Reserve”.

How can I get involved?

Suggestions from the public about this Management Reserve will be used to help prepare the draft Management Plan, which is the first step of the consultation process. The draft Management Plan is now complete and the second step of the process is for the Management Plan to be reviewed by the community to make sure we've got it right.

To provide your suggestions and recommendations, click here or click the Submission Form button below before Monday 7 April 2025. Hard copies of the submission form are also available at the Alexandra Council office and Alexandra library.

All submissions, including details of submitters will be made public via council agenda. Please read our privacy policy before you begin.

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Page last updated: 10 Feb 2025, 01:14 PM